Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ark: SE- Auto turret guide/tips

Ark: SE- Auto turret guide/tips

This video demonstrates how to effectively use auto turrets for anti rocket and dino defense.  The key to using auto turrets correctly is selecting the correct range, target and warning depending on the job each turret needs to do.  Having all turrets set to high range makes them easier to drain, by varying your turret settings you can prolong a raid and give yourself more time to mount a successful defense.

Setting turrets to defend against rockets and grenades is a key part of base defense, you dont have to kill all their dinos if they run out of explosives before they can get in your base.  One of the most important things about an anti rocket turret is making sure it is very hard to drain ammo out of it.  To accomplish this set it to medium range, because the rocket will explode when it is shot, and on low range the explosion from the rocket will damage your structures and eventually destroy the turret.  Also enabling this turret to only target players will prevent dinos such as deodics that are dropped from quetzals from soaking all your ammo.  Additionally I would recommend a 4 second warning on this turret, so that players or player ridden dinos that make it in the turrets range must stay there longer to get that turret to shoot, increasing the chances that the other turrets will kill the attacker.  You will typically only have 1 or 2 anti turrets on each side of your base.

Turrets that are intended to kill players will be set similar to anti rocket turrets.  Turrets filling this role will want a 2 second or no warning on them to help them successfully target players with highly increased movement speed.These turrets will obviously be set to target only players since you don't want them drained easily, but you must beware that player only turrets will still target players mounted on a dino, although the damage will be dealt to the dino instead.  The only exception to this is a player on a platform saddle who has a structure built around the rider, this player wont be target-able.  When it comes to anti player turret range I suggest putting a mix on medium and high firing ranges, since these turrets are also able to assist in anti rocket firing as well.  I would recommend 2 to 4 anti player set turrets on each side of your base.

The majority of your turrets should be optimized against tamed but possibly unmounted dinos.  These turrets will nearly always be set to high range to keep attackers as far away from your base as possible, but they will also be the easiest to drain.  These turrets are intended to stall raiders, giving you more time to try and snipe the raiders, or pick them up with flyers and drop them in turret range.  I would recommend no warning in most situations, although a 2 second warning adds the chance of slower or weaker dinos being caught unaware in turret range and being unable to get back out.  These turrets will be set to target players and tamed dinos, just beware of doedics, it is usually advisable to remove them from your turret range with a qurtzal as quickly as possible.

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